We saw some amazing buildings but only took photos of a few. Posting these has also reminded me to post the photos from our Japan trip earlier this year where again Andrew took a lot of interest in the architecture. I have lived in Japan so it was great to see it through new eyes too.
Lotus flower inspired ArtScience Museum
Scaffolding, a little different from NZ style
Gardens of the Bay
If you look at the top left of the picture you'll see the vertical battens used over windows. This seems to be used quite often for privacy in situations like this where this building is right on street level.
Very cool Japanese cladding - you can see the burnt timber method here.
Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima - one of the few buildings still standing after the bomb hit - here you can see the internal steel work.
Kyomizu temple in Kyoto - getting the floor down
A goose splice joint in the new floor
This is the scaffolding on the building with the new floor above.
Bracing under the temple close up
Same shot zoomed out
Todaiji in Nara - biggest wooden building in the word! All made without nails!
Andrew looking up at the complex joints and top brace beams
How big the main posts are!
Cool frosted glass on this building, and vertical battens down the side (in Nara)
More battens being used to cover the windows with aircon and other bits that don't look so nice - Kyoto.
Tokyo Skytree under construction - now the tallest tower in the world and second tallest building in the world! This picture makes it look much smaller than it really is.